
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

One Month

I know it's so typical for people to say this, but I seriously cannot believe that Cooper is already 1 month old.

This week has been a big week for him. He had two DR appointments which is huge for the both of us. Figuring out logistics with a newborn is simple yet complicated. I just never know if he'll be grumpy or not so I get nervous being out in public with him in the rare case he may have a meltdown and his not consolable. Luckily, at both appointments, he did great.

Big milestone this week was that he slept for 7 hours straight one night this week, which is a record for him! Last night he slept for about 6 hours so I'm hoping this remains a habit. It looks like we are down to one feeding a night so the goal is to get that eliminated in the next few weeks and have him sleeping through the night.

Notes from his first month:

He's indifferent about tummy time, sometimes he cries and sometimes he will just hang out and enjoy it. Either way, he's doing really great with it. He's starting to get better head control so that is nice for sure! 

He's enjoyed cousin time. He's also spent some time with Nathaniel and has FaceTimed his girl cousins from Knoxville, but I didn't take any pictures of those! 

He went to his first baseball game, which happened to be his cousin Parker's first baseball game! 

He loves to be outside. 

He does well during car rides and has enjoyed riding in the stroller.

He is starting to break out of his swaddle so we are transitioning him into the Woombie! I haven't tried it at night but so far it's working during his naps.

He enjoys sitting around with his dad

He'll swing in his swing and even take a few naps in it!

Overall, he's been a really great baby. He takes great naps during the day and sleeps really well at night, for the most part of course. He is a great eater and is growing like a weed! He's out of his newborns and in 0-3 month clothes with some of those being a little snug on him.

Upcoming things will be him fitting into his cloth diapers (I think he will be big enough by next week) and him *hopefully* sleeping through the night. I'm also hoping he will start to enjoy bath time a little bit more. Last night was the first bath he didn't scream through so I think they're growing on him.

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