I've added a new workout tab where I'll keep up-to-date on workouts, gear, and possibly races! I'll also put links in there that have relative posts.
Last year I took a long break from running. After developing a bad habit with "over-running," it was hard for me to find balance. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do "x" many miles or do it in an "x" amount of time. If I felt like I couldn't live up to my expectations, I just wouldn't run. Then, I'd find myself in a slump. I'd go days, weeks, months without running because of fear. Fear that I couldn't live up to my expectations. Then I would get depressed/anxious because I wasn't working out. It just turned into a nasty cycle and I could never find peace with just running for the fun of it, or even just to maintain good health.
Well I finally got tired of not moving. I was doing other workouts but nothing felt as good as running did. I was also missing out on the biggest benefit of me running, meditation. Running, to me, is a huge release. I do most of my thinking, praying, and venting during runs. So one day I finally just said enough is enough, I'm going running and I don't care how far I can go. I gave myself the 2x3x4 challenge. (I just made that up when I typed that). :)
For two weeks I'd run 2 miles,
For two weeks I'd run 3 miles,
then two weeks 4 miles.
This was good because I felt like 2 miles shouldn't be that hard. I didn't set a time amount or anything, so I could walk if I wanted to.
I'm so thankful for setting that goal. Giving myself a challenge and an outline gave me something to work for. I definitely did my three mile runs for longer than two weeks, but just setting the goal of running two miles for two weeks allowed for me to get comfortable with running again. I still have the mindset that two miles is really only a warm-up, but sometimes you just have to go with what ya got. :)
I still get nervous before runs sometimes.
I still occasionally won't go for a run if I don't feel like I can do at least three miles.
But I'm healthy overall.
I still run at least a couple times a week, and never let my expectations beat me down for longer than a day.
So now to get to my point: I've set a new challenge! The spring 2011 challenge/The bride-to-be challenge/the Jenny Bean Challenge.
One of my biggest dreams/desires has been to run in a half-marathon. It seems as though every year I've ever planned on running in one something happens. Knee surgery...another knee surgery....and an eating problem.
Well, this year it seems as though nothing can get in my way, except myself (which I'm going to TRY to not let happen!) Problem is...there is only 11 weeks to prepare. So I've decided, I'm going to do ONE week of training and decide after that if I think I'm capable of running the 13-ish miles! I've been running consistently but haven't really made it past my cozy three miles.
Doing a training plan would mean, no matter how I'm feeling, I have to do the run (which I like). I can't say to myself, "I don't think I can do this run today" because I have to. I think it could turn out quite fun/freeing/and fabulous.
So the training plan first week is...
Tues-3 mi run
Wed-2 mi run or cross
Thur-3 mi run and strength
Sat-30 min cross
Sun-4 mi run
Doesn't sound too hard does it,? It's actually very similar to what I'm already doing but it's actually written out now:)
I'm excited to complete the first week, I'll be back to update how it goes!
I trained for my first half (from being able to run like 3 miles) in 10 weeks. It's totally do-able... just don't push too hard and don't try to overdo it in pace!
ReplyDeleteAHh i wish i could train with you!! i've always wanted to run in a half marathon...that will be my goal after mr. max gets here :) you will have to help me prepare a workout routine :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to! Hopefully I'll see you soon sweet friend:)
ReplyDeleteI'm falling in love with running but you're right that you can't place too high expectations on yourself. I see how easy that would be for me to do. So I'm really focusing on sticking to realistic plans. We'll see where it will take me. Good luck with the half goal! You can certainly do it!
ReplyDeleteone thing you can never regret is going out for a run! no matter how hard it is to drag yourself out there!! keep it up girl :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your training! I agree that running can be extremely meditative but also really addictive, and it's hard not to push yourself too much. I hope you find that healthy balance!
ReplyDeletep.s. Thanks for visiting my blog!