
Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Saturday marked my first half marathon, ever! Mark that one off my bucket list :)

The plan for Saturday was 12-14 and I decided that if I'm going to be doing 12 miles, I mind as well (mine as well? Umm..I just realized I've said this saying for a long time and I don't even know what it is) 13.1 miles. This was a great idea in my head. GREAT. I was pumped and ready to bust my butt (I'll be talking about butts farther down this post) so I could complete my first half marathon.

one of our water stops

The night before I went to dinner with a friend and we got mexican food. As usual, I ordered a salad. I love mexican restaurant salads, I don't know why but I do. So, the night before my half marathon, I ate a salad. I didn't realize this at the time but by about mile 6 on my run I decided it was my worst idea ever.

The route for the training run was a there-and-back route. So however much you wanted to run, you turned around at that halfway point. Some folks turned around at 5, some at 6, etc and I turned around at 6.5. I felt great until 6.5. At the turnaround point, I reached depletion. I seriously had nothing left. I've never felt that way before during a run. I've reached tiredness, soreness, and exhaustion, but I can truck through all of that. Depletion however? No. I seriously felt like I had nothing left to give but I kept going. I had to take a few walking breaks but I kept running through the deadness. At mile 9, I believe, there was a water stop with Gatorade and pretzels! HEAVEN!

Totally mis-focused this picture :)

At the end of the run, TNT had a physical therapist there to diagnose any injuries or pre-injuries. He went over the points of an injury and I realized I was probably at stage 3 where stage 4 is considered injured. My knee was hurting constantly and not just during my runs. I was still able to operate so I wasn't considered completely injured. I went through all of his tests and he told me I had dead butt syndrome! AH! Hill-aw-rious. I have no glutes in my right side, which he said is common with surgeries. So I've been working on my glutes this week and praying I'll be restored to health. 

So even with a dead butt and an amazingly difficult run, I completed it and I finished it strong. The pretzels must have kicked in at mile 11 because the last two miles I was cruising.


  1. Just got back on Blogger for the first time in forever and see that you ran a half with Team in Training! I ran with them for my first half and it was seriously a life changing experience! I hope yours was great and memorable!

    1. The half was actually just a training run :) I'm training with them now for the full marathon in November! I'm so glad I decided to do it, it's been an awesome experience. :)
